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SUN Tianshu





孙天澍教授现任bat365在线官网登录科技与运营教授、杰出院长讲席教授,企业家学者项目学术主任,在南加州大学获得终身教职以及Robert Dockson讲席教授,同时兼任商学院与计算机系博士生导师。孙天澍的研究聚焦在企业数字化转型,包括数字化战略,数字化组织和数字化科技,在中美顶尖企业有丰富的工作经历与合作实践(如Facebook,Adobe,阿里巴巴,网易等)。孙天澍的学术研究和产业实践尤其关注技术与商业的交叉融合—特别是大数据,云计算,物联网和人工智能如何持续的改变零售,金融,制造,物流,医疗和企业服务等行业。孙天澍受邀在顶级大学(哈佛,MIT,沃顿商学院,芝加哥,斯坦福等)以及国际顶级学术会议上发表八十多场学术演讲,并在Facebook, Google, Snapchat, 领英, 优步, 阿里巴巴, 中信, 人民日报集团等顶级机构做数字化转型,大数据和平台战略的邀请分享和培训。孙天澍的研究论文发表在信息系统,机器学习,经济学和商学院国际顶级期刊与会议,获得16项最佳论文奖(包括芝加哥大学颁发的Wittink Prize年度最佳论文奖),以及USC颁发的年度最佳教授奖(Golden Apple Award)。孙天澍教授担任多个国际顶级期刊常务和客座编委(MS, ISR, MISQ)和国际会议大会主席(CIST,WEBEIS),并获得多个顶级机构的研究支持。孙天澍本科毕业于南京大学物理系,在马里兰大学修读物理,电子工程与经济学博士课程,获得信息系统博士学位。


● 数字化转型

● 数字化平台战略

● 数字化创新组织

● 数字化应用技术 (云计算,大数据,物联网,人工智能,SaaS/PaaS)

● 数据科学与数据决策 (因果分析,机器学习与大规模实验设计)

● 数字经济,数据监管和流通,以及大数据和人工智能对社会的影响

● 互联网平台与金融科技

● 产业数字化政策与标准(数据标准,隐私保护,人才教育,软件生态)

● 管理信息系统与企业服务

● 新零售与新制造


  1. Yicheng Song and Tianshu Sun (2024) “Ensembling Experiments to Optimize Customer Journey: A Reinforcement Learning Approach”, Forthcoming, Management Science
    --Adobe Faculty Research Award 2020, Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Research Grant 2021
  2. JaeHwuen Jung,  Tianshu Sun, Ravi Bapna, and Joseph Golden (2024) “Social Learning in Prosumption: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment”, Forthcoming, Management Science
  3. Zhe Yuan, AJ Chen, Yitong Wang, and Tianshu Sun (2024) "How Recommendation Affects Customer Search: A Field Experiment", Forthcoming, Information Systems Research
  4. Brian Rongqing Han, Leon Yang Chu, Tianshu Sun, Lixia Wu (2023)“Commercializing the Package Flow: Cross-sampling Physical Products Through E-commerce Warehouses”, (WISE 2019 Best Student Paper), Forthcoming, Management Science
  5. Ruomeng Cui, Zhikun Lu, Tianshu Sun, Joseph Golden (2023) "Sooner or Later? Promising Delivery Speed in Online Retail", (ICIS 2021 Best Paper in "Digital and Mobile Commerce"), Forthcoming, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 
  6. Wilson Lin, Susan Feng Lu, Tianshu Sun (2023) "Persuasion, Donor Heterogeneity, and Workload: The Impact of Charitable Workers on Donors’ Blood Donation Decisions", Forthcoming, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
  7. Tianshu Sun, Zhe Yuan, Chunxiao Li, Kaifu Zhang, Jun Xu (2023) The Value of Personal Data in Internet Commerce: A High-Stake Field Experiment on Data Regulation Policy, Forthcoming, Management Science
    (See a review paper with Leading Economists on Data Value, Data Privacy, and Data Regulation which covers some of the experiment findings. 
    Presented/Scheduled at Harvard, MIT,  U Chicago, CMU, NYU, UCLA, USC, BU, UT Austin, UMN, UBC, Purdue, Tsinghua, etc.
  8. Brian Rongqing Han, Tianshu Sun, Leon Yang Chu, Lixia Wu (2023) “Connecting Customers and Merchants Offline: Experimental Evidence from The Commercialization of Last-Mile Pickup Stations at Alibaba” (CODE 2018, WISE 2018, ICIS 2019, SCECR 2019), Forthcoming, MIS Quarterly
  9. Tianshu Sun, Max Wei and Joe Golden (2023), Geographical Pattern of Online Word-of-Mouth: How Offline Environment Influences Online Sharing, Forthcoming, Information Systems Research
  10. Brian Han, Tianshu Sun, Leon Chu and Lixia Wu (2022) “COVID-19 and E-commerce Operations: Evidence from Alibaba”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24(3):1388-1405
  11. Tianshu Sun, Siva Viswanathan and Elena Zheleva (2021) “Creating Social Contagion through Firm Mediated Message Design: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment”, Management Science, 67(2), 808-827.
    -- Best Dissertation Proposal (Runner-up), WITS 2015; Best Paper (Finalist), CSWIM 2015; Best Student Paper (3rd Place), INFORMS Service Science Society 2014; Winner, Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Research Competition 2014
  12. Tianshu Sun and Sean Taylor (2020) “Displaying Things in Common to Encourage Friendship Formation: A Large Randomized Field Experiment”, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 18, 237-271.
    -- Winner of Dick Wittink Prize (Best Published Paper in QME 2020),  Included in the Proceedings of ACM EC 2019, Talks at Facebook, LinkedIn, Snap, CODE/MIT, Wharton, CMU, BU, ASU, CUHK, KAIST, PKU, Tsinghua, Jiaotong
  13. Heeseung Andrew Lee, Angela Aerry Choi, Tianshu Sun, Wonseok Oh (2021) “Reviewing Before Reading? An Empirical Investigation of Book Consumption Patterns and Their Effects on Reviews and Sales”, Information Systems Research, 32(4), 1368-1389.
  14. Tianshu Sun, Siva Viswanathan, Ni Huang and Elena Zheleva (2020) “Designing Promotional Incentive to Embrace Social Sharing: Evidence from Field and Online Experiments”, MIS Quarterly, 45(2), 789-820
  15. Edward McFowland III, Sandeep Gangarapu, Ravi Bapna and Tianshu Sun (2021) “A Prescriptive Analytics Framework for Optimal Policy Deployment using Heterogeneous Treatment Effects”, MIS Quarterly, 45(4), 1807-1832 
  16. Ni Huang, Probal Mojumder, Tianshu Sun, Jinchi Lv, Joseph Golden “Not Registered? Please Sign-up First: A Randomized Field Experiment on the Ex-ante Registration Request”, Information Systems Research, 32(3), 914-931  (Equal Contribution)
  17. Mingxuan Yue, Tianshu Sun, Fan Wu, Lixia Wu, Yinghui Xu and Cyrus Shahabi (2020) “Learning Contextual and Topological Representations of Areas-of-Interest for On-Demand Delivery Application”, Proceedings of the 2020 European Conference on Machine Learning 
    -- ECML-PKDD 2020 Best Applied Data Science Award, Runner-up
  18. JaeHwuen Jung, Ravi Bapna, Joseph Golden and Tianshu Sun (2020) (All contribute equally) “Words Matter! Towards Pro-social Call-to-Action for Online Referral: Evidence from Two Field Experiments”, Information Systems Research, 31(1), 16-36.
    -- Knowledge@Wharton; Best Paper Finalist & Best Paper in E-Business, ICIS 2016
  19. Tianshu Sun, Guodong (Gordon) Gao and Ginger Zhe Jin (2019), “Mobile Messaging for Offline Group Formation in Prosocial Activities: A Large Field Experiment”, Management Science, 65(6), 2445-2945.
    -- Best Paper, CIST 2015; Best Paper (Honorable Mentions), INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR 2015; Best Student Paper (Finalist), WHITE 2015
  20. Tianshu Sun, Lanfei Shi, Siva Viswanathan and Elena Zheleva (2019) “Motivating Effective Mobile App Adoption: Evidence from a Large-Scale Randomized Field Experiment”, Information Systems Research, 30(2), 523-539.
    -- CIST 2016, SCECR 2016, Marketing Science 2017, Temple University 2017
  21. Ni Huang, Tianshu Sun, Pei-yu Chen and Joseph Golden (2019) “Word-of-Mouth System Implementation and Customer Conversion: A Randomized Field Experiment”, Information Systems Research, 30(3), 805-818.
    -- Best Paper (Finalist), ICIS 2017; Best Paper, ICIS E-Business Track 2017, CIST 2017
  22. Tianshu Sun, Susan Feng Lu and Ginger Zhe Jin (2016), “Solving Shortage in a Priceless Market: Evidence from Blood Donation”, Journal of Health Economics, 48(2016):149-165. 
    -- Featured on Nobel Prize Laureate Al Roth’s blog and in NBER News; Winning Proposal, Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) & Soros Foundation, 2013


Selected Working Papers:

  1. Zhe Yuan, Yitong Wang, Tianshu Sun, and Huilan Xu, "The Value of Firm Data for SME Growth: A Natural Experiment on Democratizing Data Analytics Product in E-Commerce",  Major Revision, MIS Quarterly
  2. Andrew Heeseung Lee, Angela Choi, Tianshu Sun, Wonseok Oh, "To Split or to Merge?: How Partitioning Affects Consumption and Engagement with Digital Content", Major Revision, Information Systems Research
  3. “Understanding the Impacts of De-personalization in Search Algorithms: A Field Experiment with a Large Online Platform”, with Yuxin Chen, Zhe Yuan and AJ Chen, Major Revision, Marketing Science
  4. Wen Wang, Siqi Pei, and Tianshu Sun (2023) "Unraveling Generative AI from A Human Intelligence Perspective: A Battery of Experiments",  Major Revision, Information Systems Research
  5. Xing Lan, Tianshu Sun, Jason Duan (2019) “Uncovering Offline Conversion Funnel with Internet-of-Things: the value of IoT data in Retailing Industry”, (Marketing Dynamics 2018, CIST 2018, ISMS 2017, POMS 2019, SCECR 2019), Major Revision, Information Systems Research
  6. Yicheng Song and Tianshu Sun, Consumer Search and Dynamic Preference: A Deep Structural Econometric Model, Under Review
  7. Wen Wang, Yicheng Song, and Tianshu Sun (2024) "Human-AI Co-Creation in Product Ideation: the Dual View of Quality and Diversity",  Under Review
  8. Zhikun Lu, Ruomeng Cui, Tianshu Sun and Lixia Wu (2024), "The Value of Last-mile Delivery in Online Retail", Under Review
  9. Wen Wang, Zhenyue Zhao, and Tianshu Sun (2024) "GPT-doctor: Customizing Large Language Models for Medical Consultation", Under Review
  10. Bowen Lou, Hongshen Sun and Tianshu Sun, "GPTs and Labor Markets in the Developing Economy: Evidence from China", Working Paper
  11. Aishwarya Deep Shukla, Guodong (Gordon) Gao, Ritu Agarwal and Tianshu Sun (2021) “Do Nudges and Privacy Control Affect eWOM Quantity and Quality? Evidence from Physician Reviews”, Under Review 
  12. Mengxia Zhang, Tianshu Sun, Lan Luo and Joe Golden (2020) “Consumer and AI Co-creation: When and Why can human Improve AI Creation?”, Reject and Resubmit, Management Science
  13. “IBASE: Adaptive Causal Inference by Integrating Big Data and Small Experiment”, with Jinchi Lv (Adobe Faculty Research Award 2017-2018)
  14. James Enouen, Tianshu Sun and Yan Liu, "Measuring, Interpreting, and Correcting Algorithm Unfairness using Randomized Experiments", Working Paper
  15. Matteo Sesia and Tianshu Sun, "Searching for subgroup-specific associations while controlling the false discovery rate",  Under Review
  16. Xinze Du, Yingying Fan, Jinchi Lv, Tianshu Sun and Patrick Vossler (2021) “Dimension-Free Average Treatment Effect Inference with Deep Neural Networks”, Major Revision, Journal of Econometrics