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ZHU Yang










  1. Chu, L. Y., Q. Feng, J. G. Shanthikumar, Z. M. Shen, 2023, “Solving the Price-Setting Newsvendor Problem with Parametric Operational Data Analytics (ODA),” Management Science, forthcoming.
  2. Han, B., L. Y. Chu, T. Sun, L. Wu, 2023, “Commercializing the Package Flow: Cross-sampling Physical Products Through E-commerce Warehouses,” Management Science, forthcoming.
  3. Chu, L. Y., Brian Wu, 2023, “Designing Online Platforms for Customized Goods and Services: A Market‐Frictions Based Perspective,” Academy of Management Review, 48(1), pp. 78-99.
  4. Han, B.,  L. Wu, T. Sun, L. Y. Chu, Y. Xu, 2022, “Connecting Customers and Merchants Offline: Experimental Evidence from the Commercialization of Last-mile Stations at Alibaba,” MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.
  5. Chu, L. Y., Y. Rong, H. Zheng, 2022, “Strategic Benefit of Request for Proposal/Quotation,” Operations Research70(3), pp. 1293-1952.
  6. Han, B., T. Sun, L. Y. Chu, L. Wu, 2022, “COVID-19 and Ecommerce Operations: Evidence from Alibaba,” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management24(3), pp. 1388-1405.
  7. Chu, L. Y., H. Nazerzadeh, H. Zhang, 2020, “Position Ranking and Auction for Online Marketplaces,” Management Science66(8), pp. 3295-3798.
  8. Chen, Y., L. Y. Chu, 2020, “Synchronizing Pricing and Replenishment to Serve Forward-looking Customers,” Naval Research Logistics67(5), pp. 321-333.
  9. Chu, L. Y., G. Li, P. Rusmevichientong, 2018, “Optimal Pricing and Inventory Planning with Charitable Donations,” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management20(4), pp. 687-703.
  10. Chu, L. Y., N. Shamir, H. Shin, 2017, “Strategic Communication for Capacity Alignment with Pricing in a Supply Chain,” Management Science63(12), pp. 4366-4388.
  11. L. Qi, L. Y. Chu, Chen, R., 2016, “Quality Provision with Heterogeneous Consumer Reservation Utilities,” Production and Operations Management25(5), pp. 883-901.
  12. Chu, L. Y., D. E. Sappington, 2015, “Contracting with Private Knowledge of Production Capacity,” Journal of Economics & Management Strategy24(4), pp. 752-785.
  13. Chu, L. Y., Y. Wang, 2015, “Bundled Procurement for Technology Acquisition and Future Competition,” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management17(2), pp. 249-261.
  14. Chu, L. Y., G. Lai, 2013, “Salesforce Contracting under Demand Censorship,” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management15(2), pp. 320-334.
  15. Chu, L. Y., D. E. Sappington, 2013, “Motivating Energy Suppliers to Promote Energy Conservation,” Journal of Regulatory Economics43(3), pp. 229-247.
  16. Bassamboo, A., L. Y. Chu, R. S. Randhawa, 2013, “Designing Flexible Systems Using a New Notion of Supermodularity,” Operations Research Letters41(1), pp. 107-111.
  17. Chu, L. Y., D. E. Sappington, 2012, “Designing Optimal Gain Sharing Plans to Promote Energy Conservation,” Journal of Regulatory Economics42(2), pp. 115- 134.
  18. Chu, L. Y., H. Zhang, 2011, “Optimal Pre-order Strategy with Endogenous Information Control,” Management Science57(6), pp. 1055-1077.
  19. Chu, L. Y., D. E. Sappington, 2010, “Contracting with Private Knowledge of Signal Quality,” Rand Journal of Economics41(2), pp. 244-269.
  20. Chu, L. Y., Z. M. Shen, 2010, “A Power-of-two Ordering Policy for One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Systems with Stochastic Demand,” Operations Research58(2), pp. 492-502.
  21. Chu, L. Y., D. E. Sappington, 2009, “Implementing High-Powered Contracts to Motivate Intertemporal Effort Supply,” Rand Journal of Economics40(2), pp. 296- 316.
  22. Chu, L. Y., 2009, “Truthful Bundle/Multi-unit Double Auctions,” Management Science55(7), pp. 1184-1198.
  23. Chu, L. Y., D. E. Sappington, 2009, “Procurement Contracts: Theory vs. Practice,” International Journal of Industrial Organization27(1), pp. 51-59.
  24. Chu, L. Y., J. G. Shanthikumar, Z. M. Shen, 2008, “Solving Operational Statistics via a Bayesian Analysis,” Operations Research Letters36(1), pp. 110-116.
  25. Chu, L. Y., Z. M. Shen, 2008, “Truthful Double Auction Mechanisms,” Operations Research56(1), pp. 102-120.
  26. Chu, L. Y., D. E. Sappington, 2007, “A Note on Optimal Procurement Contracts with Limited Direct Cost Inflation,” Journal of Economic Theory137(1), pp. 745- 753.
  27. Chu, L. Y., Z. M. Shen, 2007, “Trade Reduction vs. Multi-Stage: A Comparison of Double Auction Design Approaches,” European Journal of Operational Research180(2), pp. 677-691.
  28. Chu, L. Y., D. E. Sappington, 2007, “Simple Cost-Sharing Contracts,” American Economic Review97(1), pp. 419-428.
  29. Chu, L. Y., Z. M. Shen, 2006, “Agent Competition Double Auction Mechanism,” Management Science52(8), pp. 1215-1222.
  30. Chu, L. Y., V. N. Hsu, Z. M. Shen, 2005, “An Economic Lot-Sizing Problem with Perishable Inventory and Economies of Scale Costs: Approximation Solutions and Worst Case Analysis,” Naval Research Logistics, 52(6), pp. 536-548.