他的研究已经发表于以下领先的学术期刊中:管理科学、营销科学、数量营销和经济学、经济与管理战略期刊、管理信息系统期刊、经济学通讯、市场学通讯等。他的荣誉包括2011年bat365在线官网登录杰出研究奖、Beta Gamma Sigma、《美国商业高等教育名人录》、《美国名人录》等。
1. Showrooming and Webrooming: Information Externalities between Traditional and Online Sellers, Marketing Science, accepted, December 9, 2017.
2. Behavior-Based Pricing, Production Efficiency and Quality Differentiation, Management Science, July 2017.
3. Lowering Customer Evaluation Costs, Product Differentiation, and Price Competition, Marketing Science, Jan-Feb 2016.
4. Customer Recognition in Experience versus Inspection Good Markets, Management Science, January 2016.
5. Finance Sourcing in a Supply Chain, with A. Seidmann, Decision Support Systems, February 2014.
6. Equilibrium Financing in a Distribution Channel with Capital Constraint, Bing Jing, Xiangfeng Chen, Gangshu Cai, Production and Operations Management, Nov-Dec 2012.
7. Seller Honesty and Product Line Pricing, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Oct-Dec 2011.
8. Social Learning and Dynamic Pricing of Durable Goods, Marketing Science, Sep-Oct, 2011.
9. Product Line Competition and Price Promotions, with Z. J. Zhang, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, July-September 2011.
10. Exogenous Learning, Seller-Induced Learning, and Marketing of Durable Goods, Management Science, October 2011.
11. Pricing Experience Goods: The Effects of Customer Recognition and Commitment, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 20, 2, 2011.
12. Putting One-to-One Marketing to Work: Personalization, Customization and Choice, with N. Arora, X. Dreze, A. Ghose, J. Hess, R. Iyengar, Y. Joshi, V. Kumar, N. Lurie, S. Neslin, S. Sajeesh, M. Su, N. Syam, J. Thomas, and Z. J. Zhang, Marketing Letters, December 2008.
13. Finitely Loyal Customers, Switchers and Equilibrium Price Promotion, with Z. Wen, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Fall 2008.
14. Product Differentiation under Imperfect Information: When does Offering a Lower Quality Pay? Quantitative Marketing and Economics, March 2007.
15. Network Externalities and Market Segmentation in a Monopoly, Economics Letters, April 2007.
16. On the Profitability of Firms in a Differentiated Industry, Marketing Science, May-June 2006.
17. Product Customization and Price Competition on the Internet, with R. Dewan and A. Seidmann,Management Science, Aug. 2003.
18. Adoption of Internet-based Product Customization and Pricing Strategies, with R. Dewan and A. Seidmann, Journal of Management Information Systems, Fall 2000.