中心致力于研究房地产及其他资产的定价,特别是文化艺术品资产的开发、运营及定价研究。同时根据世界经济的发展,开发一些前沿课程和公司案例。 中心曾举办“金融地产与国民财富的增长”北京国际论坛(2006年5月)及“财富管理与另类投资” 上海国际论坛(2013年9月)。
Jiang Guolin
Refereed Journals
1.Large Investors, Price Manipulation, and Market Breakdown - An Anatomy of Market Corners, (with Franklin Allen and Lubomir Litov), Review of Finance, 2006,10: 645-693
2.Idiosyncratic risk and creative destruction in Japan (with Y. Hamao & Y. Xu). Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2007, 4, 901-924.
3.Turning Over Turnover, (with M. Cremers), Review of Financial Studies, 2007, 6, 1749-1782
4.Speculative Trading and Stock Prices: An Analysis of Chinese A-B Share Premia (with José Scheinkman and Wei Xiong), Annals of Economics and Finance 10, 2009, 225-255.
5.Wealth Management for Collectors (with M. Moses), Journal of Investment Consulting Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 50-59, 2010
6.Behavior Based Manipulation (with Chunsheng Zhou), Journal of Financial Research, 2012, Winner of 2012 Best Paper Award.
7.“Ordering and Revenue in sequential Auction” (with H. Hong, M. Moses, J. Kubic, and I. Kremer), Rand Journal of Economics, 2015,186-216
Working Paper
1.Price Innovation, Risk Taking and Artistic Creativity, (with M. Moses, Y. Zhou)
2.Anchoring or Loss Aversion? Empirical Evidence from Art Auctions, (with K. Graddy, L. Loewenstein, M. Moses)
3.Private Information Trading and Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets (with Olesya V. Grishchenko Lubomir P. Litov)
4.Behavior Based Manipulation: Theory and Prosecution Evidence (with G. Wu and C. Zhou)
New course development
1.EMBA course:经济危机中的生存与发展, 2020年8月
2.DBA Course:系统风险与颠覆风险的剖析,2018年2月
3.CEO course:金融危机与公司崩溃分析,2018年8月
4.FMBA course:房地产与艺术品投资,2018年 10月
悲剧性的选择—一个中概股的缩影 (Jointly with Si Ling and Wang Jianbao)
Industry Article
Artist Liquidity And Financial Performance,Citi Wealth Management, 2019年12月10日
白璐: lubai@ckgsb.edu.cn