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LIN Xiaoji





林晓骥博士现为bat365在线官网登录金融学访问教授。他同时是美国明尼苏达大学卡尔森管理学院金融学教授以及US Bancorp Financial Markets and Institutions讲席教授。在受聘明尼苏达大学之前,林晓骥博士曾任教于伦敦政治经济学院和俄亥俄州立大学。林晓骥教授获得美国明尼苏达大学金融学博士,南开大学经济学硕士和学士学位。




林晓骥博士在经济学和金融学国际顶级学术期刊American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies 和 Journal of Monetary Economics等杂志上发表多篇论文。林晓骥博士的博士论文获美国顶尖金融学会西部金融学会的最佳论文奖,他在2021年荣获明大卡尔森管理学院年度“最优学术研究奖”,并在2022获得中国风险研究学会的优秀研究奖和2023明大卡尔森管理学院金融硕士项目优秀教师奖。


  1. The Finance Uncertainty Multiplier, 2024, with Iván Alfaro and Nick Bloom, Journal of Political Economy, 132 (2): 577-615
  2. What Drives Firms’ Hiring Decisions? An Asset Pricing Perspective, 2023, with Frederico Belo, Andres Donangelo and Ding Luo, Review of Financial Studies, 36 (9): 3825-3860 | Online Appendix
  3. The Opposing Effects of Information Complexity and Information Content on Uncertainty Dynamics: Evidence from 10-K Filing, 2022, with Joon Woo Bae, Frederico Belo, Jun Li and Xiaofei Zhao, Management Science, 69 (10):  6313--6332 
  4. The Elephant in the Room: the Impact of Labor Obligations on Credit Markets,  2020, with Jack Favilukis and Xiaofei Zhao,  American Economic Review, 110 (6): 1673-1712 
  5. The Risks of Old Capital Age: Asset Pricing Implications of Technology Adoption, 2020, with Berardino Palazzo and Fan Yang,  Journal of Monetary Economics115: 145-161 
  6. External Equity Financing Shocks, Financial Flows, and Asset Prices, 2019, with Frederico Belo and Fan Yang, Review of Financial Studies, 32 (9): 3500–3543
  7. Investment, Tobin’s q, and Interest Rates, 2018, with Chong Wang, Neng Wang, and Jinqiang Yang, Journal of Financial Economics, 130 (3): 620-640
  8. Labor-Force Heterogeneity and Asset Prices: The Importance of Skilled Labor, 2017, with Frederico Belo, Jun Li, and Xiaofei Zhao, Review of Financial Studies, 30 (10): 3669-3709  
  9. Does Wage Rigidity Make Firms Riskier? Evidence from Long-Horizon Return Predictability, 2016, with Jack Favilukis, Journal of Monetary Economics, 78, 80-95
  10. Wage Rigidity: A Quantitative Solution to Several Asset Pricing Puzzles, 2016, with Jack Favilukis. Review of Financial Studies, 29 (1), 148-192  
  11. Labor Hiring, Investment and Stock Return Predictability in the Cross Section, 2014, with Frederico Belo and Santiago Bazdresch. Journal of Political Economy, 122(1) 129-177
  12. Brand Capital, Firm Value, and Asset Returns, 2014, with Frederico Belo and Maria Ana Vitorino. Review of Economic Dynamics, 17(1) 150-169
  13. Long Run Productivity Risk and Aggregate Investment, 2013, with Jack Favilukis, Journal of Monetary Economics, 60 (6): 737-751.
  14. The Investment Manifesto, 2013, with Lu Zhang. Journal of Monetary Economics, 60 (3): 351-366. 
  15. The Inventory Growth Spread, 2012, with Frederico Belo. Review of Financial Studies, 25 (1): 278-313
  16. Endogenous Technological Progress and the Cross Section of Stock Returns, 2012. Journal of Financial Economics, 103 (2): 411-428 