祝贺张利钿同学顺利通过博士论文答辩 | DBA捷报

发布时间:2022-10-19 12:17


企业家学者项目(DBA)整合全球优质教育资源,打造极具前沿性和系统性课程,在框架模块、聚焦模块、专题研究+实践课堂这三大核心课程中,涵盖2大金融主题与4大微观主题,探索6大宏观方向,定制化行业专题,走访行业内领军企业。张利钿同学正是在理论与实践的碰撞中,收获了应对新商业文明下新问题与新挑战的能力。“理解 - 判断 - 实践 - 引领”的DBA学习之旅,让他在企业家学者项目中历经了新商业文明的一次次洗礼,完成了跨越式的思想“突围”。 





Hwee Hoon TAN

Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources,SMU


Professor of Marketing,CKGSB

Ming-Hong TSAI

Associate Professor of Psychology,SMU


张利钿 | 事件系统理论视角下的中国家族企业创业退出—基于H公司的案例研究



▇ 论文摘要:











Previous entrepreneurial exit literature has mostly followed a feature-oriented logic by summarizing the impact of industry and company characteristics and entrepreneurs’ personal traits on entrepreneurial exit decisions, disregarding the decision-making process of entrepreneurial exit and the role of key events in advancing the process. This thesis endeavors to explore the determining factors behind entrepreneurial exit decisions of family businesses and the dynamic decision-making process based on Event System Theory (EST) with a single-case study method and a feature-oriented and process-oriented approach.

This study has conducted an in-depth investigation into Company H, which possesses typical features of Chinese private family businesses. The findings are as follows: (1) Both exogenous and endogenous events affect entrepreneurial exit decisions through unfulfilled family expectations (family wealth expectation, family reputation expectation, family harmony expectation, and family succession expectation); (2) Industry characteristics (industry competition intensity, government regulation intensity and negative media coverage intensity) not only can affect entrepreneurial exit directly but may also act as moderating factors that mediate the impact of key events on entrepreneurial exit; and (3) Family characteristics (entrepreneurial motivation, degree of ownership concentration and degree of the next generation’s involvement) not only have a direct impact on entrepreneurial exit but may also exert moderating effects on the process from key events to family expectations to entrepreneurial exit. In addition, the study has also collected publicly available information from another private company that has experienced the same events during the same period in the industry and carried out a supplementary analysis based on the framework and methodology of EST to support the findings of the case study further.


The possible contributions of this study are as follows: (1) It contributes to the previous research on entrepreneurial exit by providing an in-depth analysis of how family businesses make entrepreneurial exit decisions in terms of event strength and event space with a new perspective of EST; (2) It examines entrepreneurial exit in the context of Chinese family businesses and focuses on how key events affect entrepreneurial exit through family expectations, which helps to shed light on the mechanism through which key events exert influence on founders’ entrepreneurial exit decisions; and (3) It has integrated the process-oriented and feature-oriented paradigms by including industry characteristics and family characteristics as important situational conditions, thus setting boundary conditions for the process by which key events affect entrepreneurial exit. The practical implications of these findings are discussed.





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