祝贺谭文清同学顺利通过博士论文答辩 | DBA捷报
发布时间:2023-02-23 17:37
企业家学者项目(DBA)整合全球优质教育资源,打造极具前沿性和系统性课程,在框架模块、聚焦模块、专题研究+实践课堂这三大核心课程中,涵盖2大金融主题与4大微观主题,探索6大宏观方向,定制化行业专题,走访行业内领军企业。谭文清同学正是在理论与实践的碰撞中,收获了应对新商业文明下新问题与新挑战的能力。“理解 - 判断 - 实践 - 引领”的DBA学习之旅,让他在企业家学者项目中历经了新商业文明的一次次洗礼,完成了跨越式的思想“突围”。
Fangjian FU
Associate Professor of Finance,SMU
Professor of Finance,CKGSB
Heng YUE
Associate Professor of Accounting,SMU
谭文清 | 针对ESG评级效应在中国A股市场的实证研究:关于中证800
▇ 论文摘要:
本文基于中证、万得等数据源,通过对中证800成分股、中证十大行业和全部历史样本的描述性统计,分析了样本的基本特征。针对ESG因素进行了分组检验(即中证800成分股和不同行业内)以及基于Fama-French五因子模型对ESG组合进行回归分析,本文发现G因子在分组回测中有着相对最好的表现,且有着不能被传统五因子所解释的额外信息。在此基础上,本研究试图构建一个中证800 Smart Beta指数增强策略。
In the era of post-covid and VUCA, supported by carbon-neutral plans, ESG investment has attracted increasing attention. At the policy level, China has attached more importance to ESG practice and investment, which has become one of the guidelines for economic development. At the enterprise level, the concept of ESG, which encourages companies to further consider their impact on the environment and society in addition to financial profitability, continuously advocates sustainable and green business models. For investors, there is plenty of evidence that ESG approaches could help investors avoid individual or black swan events in the industry. Nowadays, China A-share’s considerable development potential has entered the horizons of more and more international investors. However, unaligned with the growing impact of the market, there are relatively few empirical ESG studies for the Chinese market.
Based on data sources from China Securities Index and Wind, this paper mainly analyzes the basic characteristics of the samples through descriptive statistics of CSI 800 constituent stocks, the CSI top ten industries, and all historical samples. Based on the grouping back-test of ESG factors and the regression analysis of ESG portfolios based on the Fama-French five-factor model, it finds that the G factor has the relatively best performance and has additional information that the classical five factors cannot explain. On this basis, this study attempts to construct a CSI800 Smart Beta index enhancement strategy. Empirical results showed that the G+ long-short portfolio (high minus low) built by utilizing equal weighting and market capitalization weighting could significantly reduce the annualized volatility and maximum drawdown rate compared with the benchmark (CSI800). From the perspective of annualized return rate, G+ market-cap-weighted portfolio has relatively good performance but lacks specific stability. Therefore, even if an ESG portfolio cannot steadily increase the corresponding return rate, it will not increase the cost of the portfolio and can reduce the risks to a certain extent.