祝贺赵涵堃同学顺利通过博士论文答辩 | DBA捷报
发布时间:2021-03-24 13:25
企业家学者项目以成就新商业文明思想者和引领者为愿景,打造极具前沿性和系统性课程。以框架模块、聚焦模块、专题研究+实践课堂这三大核心为课程主轴,整合全球优质教育资源。课程涵盖2大金融主题与4大微观主题,探索6大宏观方向,定制化行业专题,走访行业内领军企业。旨在帮助同学实现“理解 - 判断 - 实践 - 引领”的跨越式发展与提升,成为新商业文明的先行者。赵涵堃同学经过完整的体系化学习与研究,迈进了探索真知的新格局和新高度。
赵涵堃 | 中国高铁发展的区域经济影响和体制挑战
▇ 论文摘要:
This article studies the impact of connecting to high-speed rail (HSR) network on regional development and the replication and sustainability of China’s GIUR system, aiming to summarize the experiences of China’s HSR, which can provide several policy references for developing countries. This article conducts two research: (1) explore the impact of connecting to HSR network on the urban industrial structure, urban creativity and urban-rural income gap of cities in different regions and cities with heterogeneous locations along the HSR lines in the long and short term; (2) explore the advantages and disadvantages of the Government-Industry-University-Research (GIUR) system in the process of introducing, absorbing and innovating technologies of HSR, as well as its adjustment in the technology-pioneering stage.
For the first research, HSR and urban development, I conduct the empirical research and descriptive statistics based on urban development theory, and the results indicate following conclusions. Firstly, connecting to HSR network can significantly increase the proportion of tertiary industry in eastern cities of China. Secondly, it can promote the creativity of urban primary and tertiary industries, and more developed cities and non-eastern cities benefit more. In addition, it has also significantly improved the creativity of the tertiary industry in major hub cities, the better accessibility (with more HSR lines passing through) major hub cities possess, the more improvement in creativity of tertiary industry they can benefit compared to those minor node or non-node cities. Thirdly, connecting to the HSR network will only widen the urban-rural income gap in economically underdeveloped regions, and this expansion effect is more significant in economically underdeveloped minor node cities.
For the second study, combining the existing research and case study, I find that in the early stage of technological development in which international advanced technology can be brought in, the government dominated GIUR system is more conducive to promoting HSR technology accumulation and development. But in the technological pioneering stage, the system needs to transform into a market-oriented Industry-University-Research system. In addition, based on above research, I argue that the government GIUR system has a good sustainability for promoting scientific research innovation but has a high threshold when apply to other industry. This study increases people's awareness for reformation system of China’s HSR research and development (R&D) and helps to propel the rapid development of similar emerging industries.
Finally, I discuss the policy implications.