祝贺朱圣琴同学顺利通过博士论文答辩 | DBA捷报
发布时间:2020-11-30 00:00
企业家学者项目整合全球优质教育资源,打造极具前沿性和系统性课程,在框架模块、聚焦模块、专题研究+实践课堂这三大核心课程中,涵盖2大金融主题与4大微观主题,探索6大宏观方向,定制化行业专题,走访行业内领军企业。朱圣琴同学正是在理论与实践跨界的碰撞中,培养出了应对新商业文明下可能出现的新问题与新挑战的能力,她的学习从“理解 - 判断 -实践 - 引领”的旅程一路走来,跨越式的思想突围,让她在企业家学者项目历经了新商业文明的一次次洗礼。
朱圣琴 | 家族企业传承过程中现任者和继任者相关因素的影响分析:探索家族企业传承中价值观的作用
▇ 论文摘要:
Succession has been a major concern for family business. Although past research studies how to make successful family business succession from factors related to both incumbents and successors, most studies assume incumbents as the key driver of the succession process.
Based on the literature about factors contributing to family business succession, the current research adopts a more comprehensive approach by combining qualitative and quantitative research methods to examine what factors lead to succession success and how to manage the succession process. Viewing succession as the process of mutual role adjustments of incumbents and successors, the qualitative research examines the interactions between incumbents and successors and discovers that value succession plays an essential role in the process. Drawing from the insights about value succession and value fit in the qualitative study, I designed a field survey to examine the effect of value fit between successors and incumbents, and successors and the organization, on succession success. Study 2 found that successors who have a higher value fit with incumbents and the organization are more willing to take over the business, and hence are more likely to succeed in family business succession. Thus, the current research provides a deeper understanding of how to manage family business succession and heightens the role of value fit during succession. Lastly, the findings in the current research have important practical implications to family firms, particularly those in China.